The guide is divided into three main pieces:
- Filing a bug in an issue.
- Filing a feature request in an issue.
- Suggesting a change via a pull request.
Please note that dabestr is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching in Issues. Be sure to also check that the bug hasn’t been addressed in a closed issue.
If the bug isn’t being addressed, open a new one.
Be sure to include a title and clear description, and a minimally reproducible code sample demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
Pull requests
To contribute a change to dabestr, you follow these steps:
- Create a fork and make your changes.
- Issue a PR to the dev branch of dabestr.
- Discuss the PR.
- Iterate until either we accept the PR or decide it’s not a good fit for dabestr.
Each of these steps are described in more detail below.
If you’re not familiar with git or github, please start by reading
- Clarity. Ensure PR description clearly describes the problem and the solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
Use dabestr coding style. dabestr is currently following the official tidyverse style. You may choose to do so using the
package by running the following on the code before submitting:
# install.packages("styler")
- If you’re adding new parameters or a new function, you’ll also need to document them with roxygen. Make sure to re-run
on the code before submitting. - If fixing a bug or adding a new feature, please add a testthat unit test.
All PRs require review and approval from at least one member of the dabestr development team before merge.
Lastly, dabestr is a community tool for estimation statistics and analysis. We look forward to more robust and more elegant data visualizations from you all!
This Contributing guide is adapted from ggplot2’s