

 bootstrap (x1:<built-infunctionarray>, x2:<built-infunctionarray>=None,
            paired:bool=False, stat_function:<built-
            infunctioncallable>=<function mean>, smoothboot:bool=False,
            alpha_level:float=0.05, reps:int=5000)

Computes the summary statistic and a bootstrapped confidence interval.

Type Default Details
x1 array The data in a one-dimensional array form. Only x1 is required. If x2 is given, the bootstrapped summary difference between the two groups (x2-x1) is computed. NaNs are automatically discarded.
x2 array None The data in a one-dimensional array form. Only x1 is required. If x2 is given, the bootstrapped summary difference between the two groups (x2-x1) is computed. NaNs are automatically discarded.
paired bool False Whether or not x1 and x2 are paired samples. If ‘paired’ is None then the data will not be treated as paired data in the subsequent calculations. If ‘paired’ is ‘baseline’, then in each tuple of x, other groups will be paired up with the first group (as control). If ‘paired’ is ‘sequential’, then in each tuple of x, each group will be paired up with the previous group (as control).
stat_function callable mean The summary statistic called on data.
smoothboot bool False Taken from seaborn.algorithms.bootstrap. If True, performs a smoothed bootstrap (draws samples from a kernel destiny estimate).
alpha_level float 0.05 Denotes the likelihood that the confidence interval produced does not include the true summary statistic. When alpha = 0.05, a 95% confidence interval is produced.
reps int 5000 Number of bootstrap iterations to perform.
Returns An bootstrap object reporting the summary statistics, percentile CIs, bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) CIs, and the settings used: summary: float.
The summary statistic.
is_difference: boolean.
Whether or not the summary is the difference between two groups. If False, only x1 was supplied.
is_paired: string, default None
The type of the experiment under which the data are obtained
statistic: callable
The function used to compute the summary.
reps: int
The number of bootstrap iterations performed.
A sorted array of values obtained by bootstrapping the input arrays.
The size of the confidence interval reported (in percentage).
The upper and lower bounds of the confidence interval as computed by taking the percentage bounds.
An array with the indices in stat_array corresponding to the percentage confidence interval bounds.
bca_ci_low, bca_ci_high: floats
The upper and lower bounds of the bias-corrected and accelerated(BCa) confidence interval. See Efron 1977.
bca_low_high_indices: array
An array with the indices in stat_array corresponding to the BCa confidence interval bounds.
pvalue_1samp_ttest: float
P-value obtained from scipy.stats.ttest_1samp. If 2 arrays were passed (x1 and x2), returns ‘NIL’. See
pvalue_2samp_ind_ttest: float
P-value obtained from scipy.stats.ttest_ind. If a single array was given (x1 only), or if paired is not None, returns ‘NIL’. See
pvalue_2samp_related_ttest: float
P-value obtained from scipy.stats.ttest_rel. If a single array was given (x1 only), or if paired is None, returns ‘NIL’. See
pvalue_wilcoxon: float
P-value obtained from scipy.stats.wilcoxon. If a single array was given (x1 only), or if paired is None, returns ‘NIL’. The Wilcoxons signed-rank test is a nonparametric paired test of the null hypothesis that the related samples x1 and x2 are from the same distribution. See
pvalue_mann_whitney: float
Two-sided p-value obtained from scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu. If a single array was given (x1 only), returns ‘NIL’. The Mann-Whitney U-test is a nonparametric unpaired test of the null hypothesis that x1 and x2 are from the same distribution. See


 bca (data, alphas, stat_array, stat_function, ostat, reps)

Subroutine called to calculate the BCa statistics. Borrowed heavily from scikits.bootstrap code.


 jackknife_indexes (data)

From the scikits.bootstrap package. Given an array, returns a list of arrays where each array is a set of jackknife indexes.

For a given set of data Y, the jackknife sample J[i] is defined as the data set Y with the ith data point deleted.