Effectsize objects

The auxiliary classes involved in the computations of bootstrapped effect sizes.


 TwoGroupsEffectSize (control, test, effect_size, proportional=False,
                      is_paired=None, ci=95, resamples=5000,
                      permutation_count=5000, random_seed=12345)

A class to compute and store the results of bootstrapped mean differences between two groups.

Compute the effect size between two groups.

Type Default Details
control array-like
test array-like These should be numerical iterables.
effect_size string. Any one of the following are accepted inputs:
‘mean_diff’, ‘median_diff’, ‘cohens_d’, ‘hedges_g’, or ‘cliffs_delta’
proportional bool False
is_paired NoneType None
ci int 95 The confidence interval width. The default of 95 produces 95%
confidence intervals.
resamples int 5000 The number of bootstrap resamples to be taken for the calculation
of the confidence interval limits.
permutation_count int 5000 The number of permutations (reshuffles) to perform for the
computation of the permutation p-value
random_seed int 12345 random_seed is used to seed the random number generator during
bootstrap resampling. This ensures that the confidence intervals
reported are replicable.
Returns py:class:TwoGroupEffectSize object: difference : float
The effect size of the difference between the control and the test.
effect_size : string
The type of effect size reported.
is_paired : string
The type of repeated-measures experiment.
ci : float
Returns the width of the confidence interval, in percent.
alpha : float
Returns the significance level of the statistical test as a float between 0 and 1.
resamples : int
The number of resamples performed during the bootstrap procedure.
bootstraps : numpy ndarray
The generated bootstraps of the effect size.
random_seed : int
The number used to initialise the numpy random seed generator, ie.seed_value from numpy.random.seed(seed_value) is returned.
bca_low, bca_high : float
The bias-corrected and accelerated confidence interval lower limit and upper limits, respectively.
pct_low, pct_high : float
The percentile confidence interval lower limit and upper limits, respectively.


control = norm.rvs(loc=0, size=30)
test = norm.rvs(loc=0.5, size=30)
effsize = dabest.TwoGroupsEffectSize(control, test, "mean_diff")
The unpaired mean difference is -0.253 [95%CI -0.78, 0.25].
The p-value of the two-sided permutation t-test is 0.348, calculated for legacy purposes only. 

5000 bootstrap samples were taken; the confidence interval is bias-corrected and accelerated.
Any p-value reported is the probability of observing theeffect size (or greater),
assuming the null hypothesis ofzero difference is true.
For each p-value, 5000 reshuffles of the control and test labels were performed.
{'alpha': 0.05,
 'bca_high': 0.24951887238295106,
 'bca_interval_idx': (125, 4875),
 'bca_low': -0.7801782111071534,
 'bootstraps': array([-0.3649424 , -0.45018155, -0.56034412, ..., -0.49805581,
        -0.25334475, -0.55206229]),
 'ci': 95,
 'difference': -0.25315417702752846,
 'effect_size': 'mean difference',
 'is_paired': None,
 'pct_high': 0.24951887238295106,
 'pct_interval_idx': (125, 4875),
 'pct_low': -0.7801782111071534,
 'permutation_count': 5000,
 'permutations': array([ 0.17221029,  0.03112419, -0.13911387, ..., -0.38007941,
         0.30261507, -0.09073054]),
 'permutations_var': array([0.07201642, 0.07251104, 0.07219407, ..., 0.07003705, 0.07094885,
 'proportional_difference': nan,
 'pvalue_brunner_munzel': nan,
 'pvalue_kruskal': nan,
 'pvalue_mann_whitney': 0.5201446121616038,
 'pvalue_mcnemar': nan,
 'pvalue_paired_students_t': nan,
 'pvalue_permutation': 0.3484,
 'pvalue_students_t': 0.34743913903372836,
 'pvalue_welch': 0.3474493875548964,
 'pvalue_wilcoxon': nan,
 'random_seed': 12345,
 'resamples': 5000,
 'statistic_brunner_munzel': nan,
 'statistic_kruskal': nan,
 'statistic_mann_whitney': 494.0,
 'statistic_mcnemar': nan,
 'statistic_paired_students_t': nan,
 'statistic_students_t': 0.9472545159069105,
 'statistic_welch': 0.9472545159069105,
 'statistic_wilcoxon': nan}


 EffectSizeDataFrame (dabest, effect_size, is_paired, ci=95,
                      proportional=False, resamples=5000,
                      permutation_count=5000, random_seed=12345,
                      x1_level=None, x2=None, delta2=False,
                      experiment_label=None, mini_meta=False)

A class that generates and stores the results of bootstrapped effect sizes for several comparisons.

Example: plot

Create a Gardner-Altman estimation plot for the mean difference.

random.seed(9999) # Fix the seed so the results are replicable.
# pop_size = 10000 # Size of each population.
Ns = 20 # The number of samples taken from each population

# Create samples
c1 = norm.rvs(loc=3, scale=0.4, size=Ns)
c2 = norm.rvs(loc=3.5, scale=0.75, size=Ns)
c3 = norm.rvs(loc=3.25, scale=0.4, size=Ns)

t1 = norm.rvs(loc=3.5, scale=0.5, size=Ns)
t2 = norm.rvs(loc=2.5, scale=0.6, size=Ns)
t3 = norm.rvs(loc=3, scale=0.75, size=Ns)
t4 = norm.rvs(loc=3.5, scale=0.75, size=Ns)
t5 = norm.rvs(loc=3.25, scale=0.4, size=Ns)
t6 = norm.rvs(loc=3.25, scale=0.4, size=Ns)

# Add a `gender` column for coloring the data.
females = repeat('Female', Ns/2).tolist()
males = repeat('Male', Ns/2).tolist()
gender = females + males

# Add an `id` column for paired data plotting.
id_col = pd.Series(range(1, Ns+1))

# Combine samples and gender into a DataFrame.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Control 1' : c1,     'Test 1' : t1,
                 'Control 2' : c2,     'Test 2' : t2,
                 'Control 3' : c3,     'Test 3' : t3,
                 'Test 4'    : t4,     'Test 5' : t5, 'Test 6' : t6,
                 'Gender'    : gender, 'ID'  : id_col
my_data = dabest.load(df, idx=("Control 1", "Test 1"))
fig1 = my_data.mean_diff.plot();

Create a Gardner-Altman plot for the Hedges’ g effect size.

fig2 = my_data.hedges_g.plot();

Create a Cumming estimation plot for the mean difference.

fig3 = my_data.mean_diff.plot(float_contrast=True);

Create a paired Gardner-Altman plot.

my_data_paired = dabest.load(df, idx=("Control 1", "Test 1"),
                       id_col = "ID", paired='baseline')
fig4 = my_data_paired.mean_diff.plot();

Create a multi-group Cumming plot.

my_multi_groups = dabest.load(df, id_col = "ID", 
                             idx=(("Control 1", "Test 1"),
                                 ("Control 2", "Test 2")))
fig5 = my_multi_groups.mean_diff.plot();

Create a shared control Cumming plot.

my_shared_control = dabest.load(df, id_col = "ID",
                                 idx=("Control 1", "Test 1",
                                          "Test 2", "Test 3"))
fig6 = my_shared_control.mean_diff.plot();

Create a repeated meausures (against baseline) Slopeplot.

my_rm_baseline = dabest.load(df, id_col = "ID", paired = "baseline",
                                 idx=("Control 1", "Test 1",
                                          "Test 2", "Test 3"))
fig7 = my_rm_baseline.mean_diff.plot();

Create a repeated meausures (sequential) Slopeplot.

my_rm_sequential = dabest.load(df, id_col = "ID", paired = "sequential",
                                 idx=("Control 1", "Test 1",
                                          "Test 2", "Test 3"))
fig8 = my_rm_sequential.mean_diff.plot();


 PermutationTest (control:array, test:array, effect_size:str,
                  is_paired:str=None, permutation_count:int=5000,
                  random_seed:int=12345, **kwargs)

A class to compute and report permutation tests.

Type Default Details
control array
test array These should be numerical iterables.
effect_size str Any one of the following are accepted inputs: ‘mean_diff’, ‘median_diff’, ‘cohens_d’, ‘hedges_g’, or ‘cliffs_delta’
is_paired str None
permutation_count int 5000 The number of permutations (reshuffles) to perform.
random_seed int 12345 random_seed is used to seed the random number generator during bootstrap resampling. This ensures that the generated permutations are replicable.
Returns py:class:PermutationTest object: difference:float
The effect size of the difference between the control and the test.
The type of effect size reported.


The basic concept of permutation tests is the same as that behind bootstrapping. In an “exact” permutation test, all possible resuffles of the control and test labels are performed, and the proportion of effect sizes that equal or exceed the observed effect size is computed. This is the probability, under the null hypothesis of zero difference between test and control groups, of observing the effect size: the p-value of the Student’s t-test.

Exact permutation tests are impractical: computing the effect sizes for all reshuffles quickly exceeds trivial computational loads. A control group and a test group both with 10 observations each would have a total of 20! or 2.43×1018 reshuffles. Therefore, in practice, “approximate” permutation tests are performed, where a sufficient number of reshuffles are performed (5,000 or 10,000), from which the p-value is computed.

More information can be found here.

Example: permutation test

control = norm.rvs(loc=0, size=30, random_state=12345)
test = norm.rvs(loc=0.5, size=30, random_state=12345)
perm_test = dabest.PermutationTest(control, test, 